Does CBD Help In Stifling The Side-Effects Of Chemotherapy?

“The religious take of the society is cancerous.” is the analogy we make when we want to convey that the thought process from the religious pov will kill us. Yes, cancer analogies are made for death references, for something which may never see the light of the day. Such is a disease of cancer: painful and hard to deal with. However, now that a plethora of options are available to treat cancer, we definitely can see cancer’s dead end for some people. One of these treatments, and the most opted one is chemotherapy. But as much as chemotherapy instills hope of getting through the disease, it has some severe side effects that could make the person wish for death. Before we discuss its side effects and how CBD, the alleged natural pain reliever, can affect it, let’s go through the definition of chemotherapy. What is chemotherapy? Also referred as Chemo, this therapy is a form of treatment for cancer that focuses on chemically formulated medicines. ...